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Being Able To Count On Yourself

Running is a strange thing. It hurts. Its tiring and its like meditaion all at the same time. After my 12 miler a couple of weeks ago, we got busy with our business and I stepped back a couple of weeks in the milage. I did 9 miles the next Sunday. All that plus running "short" runs (3-5 miles each) 3 times a week. Geez, I got tired just from re-reading that sentence!

Well, today I ran 13.1 miles. A TRUE HALF MARATHON. Which means I can truly do the Maui Half Marathon in a couple of weeks. I am ready. WHOO HOO! The lesson I am learning is this: fitness is not just good for your body, it's good for your mind and soul. Upping my physical fitness by running has given me something I NEVER had: I feel like I can count on my body to get me through the tough times. I can count on my own HEALTH. What a gift that is.


Susy on 8:58 AM said...

TA DA... :) Great news Barb. I remember saying "thank you" to an aerobic teacher before. You truly do feel better inside and out. And oh what a feeling to be able to count on your body and health reather than dread it. What a fantasic feeling you must be feeling!

Kaye Bailey on 12:50 PM said...

Congrats! I really love your sentence "I can count on my own HEALTH." That is so empowering. I look forward to reading about Maui.