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10 Mile Run

I ran 10 miles on Sunday. Wow. Can't believe I did it. My half marathon will be 13.1 miles, so I think I am good to go. This is the first time Scott and I ran together. It was fun!

He knew I was getting exhausted at mile 8-9, he had his ipod and started dancing and singing while running ahead of me. Arms flailing and hat tipping off and on like he was on stage. All of this when it was still before 730 in the morning. It was a riot and it got my mind off my sore legs... Good man, that hubby of mine..
Training for this has been really odd for me. I feel like I am doing something that will change me for good. The discipline has been good for me. And it feels like it's really MY thing.. My own journey.


Susy on 6:21 AM said...

Wow Barb. Nice work. 10 miles, that's great! You have made this surgery a tool for you, and I hope I can be half as brave as you have. You are my inspiration! That was great of Scott to entertain you while jogging. Fun story! Keep on blogging! XOXOX

Fearless Artist on 9:09 AM said...
