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After a long plateau, yesterday I finally hit my 100 pounds lost mark!

To some folks around me, they were like "Oh, thats great." No fanfare, no whoopla, nothing.. I wanted to scream "I DID IT! I LOST A HUNDRED POUNDS!" But to those who have not been morbidly obese, the diffrence between last week at 97 pounds down and 100 this week is not that grand. (My husband has been telling others that I have lost "about a hundred" for a month or so.) So to them, no big deal.

Not so, with me. It is such a big deal! I have never lost a hundred pounds before. It proves that the surgery works. That I am working it! I am two thirds of the way to goal. 50 more pounds and I will be at my goal weight. DAMN!

Yes, it's just a number but it is a BIG number I want to celebrate!!


Jill on 10:50 AM said...

YEAH BARB! You have every reason in the world to celebrate, leap for joy, strut around, take our a billboard and scream it out your car window. I wanted to wear a shirt that said, "I have officially lost 100 pounds!" :)

Keep up the great work!